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The Baby Blessing

At Lighthouse we believe children are a gift from God, and we are very excited that you are considering being a part of the Baby Blessing. The practice of baby blessing has been modeled throughout the Bible, and we are taking our example from Jesus.


One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. When Jesus saw what was happening, he was angry with his disciples. He said to them, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.
Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and BLESSED them. 
Mark 10:13-14,16 NLT


Even long before this, there is a history of parents presenting their children to God, asking for His blessing.  

What Does A Blessing Spoken Over The Baby Mean?

When the children were blessed, it left an imprint of God’s touch and benefit on their lives. The word bless is more than a religious term or cliché. To bless is to endue with power for success, prosperity, longevity, productivity, and fruitfulness. It’s also an impartation and empowerment of God’s favor. It is the Hand of God on a person’s life to support and bring transformation to life’s circumstances.
So, when we do the Baby Blessing we believe, BY FAITH, that all of the above comes on their lives!


Will The Baby Blessing Mean My Child Is Saved?
We recognize that salvation only comes to a child through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is not passed on to a child through a Baby Blessing. 
It is up to your child to decide whether or not to follow Jesus Christ, and no church service has the power to make that choice for a child.  


Do I Need To Be A Lighthouse Member Or A Christian To Participate In The Baby Blessing?
Yes! Again, we’re blessing the baby, celebrating the new life, and thanking God for His wonderful gift.  
The process of giving birth is an awesome act of participating in God’s creative work. 

However, only a Christian following God can lead and raise a child in the nurturing and admonishing of the Lord.

Can A Child Born To Unwed Parents Participate In The Baby Blessing?
Yes! The Bible describes the fruit of the womb as a wondrous gift from God—no matter how they were conceived.
In Luke’s account of the story we referred to in Mark, parents brought their children to Jesus to be blessed, but the disciple turned them away. Jesus got angry with the disciples and rebuked them for interfering with the parents.


Look at what Jesus said in verse 16, “But Jesus called them to Him and said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God”. 


He gives no indication of the spiritual condition of the parents. He gives no indication of the possibility of faith in the parents, or unbelief in the parents…. because those were non-issues at that point.


What we do see is how Jesus raised the importance of children by calling the parents to bring them to Him, laying hands on them and blessing them!


While we are blessing the babies, we’re also celebrating a new life and applauding the parents for choosing life over abortion. Every life is precious, and each life is created by God (not by a guy & a gal) in His image.


Why We Do Not Call This Is A Baby Dedication?
The word “dedicates" means to set aside or commit to a sacred purpose. The dedication means committing a child to God and God’s purposes. In one sense, this is what every Christian parent wants to do, but in another sense, parents can’t make this decision on behalf of their children – as much as they would like to. 
Each child will one day have to make his or her personal decision about whether or not to commit himself or herself to God.  Parents can guide, teach, pray for, and lead their children, but parents cannot choose a personal spiritual life path for their child. 
The children will have his or her opportunity to dedicate themselves as he or she grows older and is able to personalize faith in Jesus.  
So even though the term dedicating the child to the Lord is familiar, dedication is really a matter of parents dedicating themselves to modeling a committed relationship with Christ, and worshiping and ministering through involvement in a church family.  
Christian parents’ assignment is oversee the child’s spiritual development and encouragement them to grow in the knowledge of God.


At What Age Can A Child Participate In The Baby Blessing?

Ages up to 5 years old.


What To Expect at the Service.
Shortly after the praise and worship time Pastor will briefly explain the Baby Blessing then call for the children. He will pray a corporate prayer over the group then bless the children individually.


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