Ministry of Helps

  • Media Ministry

    We are living in a day and age where we are privileged to have amazing technology at our fingertips. At Lighthouse we purpose to use every available avenue to advance the Kingdom of God. Multi-media in worship is a combination of art, technology, and spirit. We incorporate many multi-media aspects into worship; from video announcements, CD and DVD production of each service, live video feed to overflow locations, to dynamic graphics used throughout each service.

  • Cleaning Ministry

    This ministry recognizes the importance of how a clean facility creates an environment whereby the Word of God can be received excellently. The facilities are returned to an excellent state twice weekly.

  • Hospitality Ministry

    This ministry sets the tone for every individual entering the church. They are responsible for extending the heart of the pastor in welcoming everyone in a warm gracious manner.

  • Usher's Ministry

    This ministry is committed to ensuring that the pastor can minister the Word unchecked, unhindered and that all who come to services can relax and hear the Word without distractions.

  • Personal Worker's/ Altar Call Ministry

    This ministry assists the pastor by helping those who respond to the altar call. They minister one-on-one to each person ensuring that all of their spiritual needs are met.

  • Next Generation Ministry

    The goal of Next Generation is to raise a righteous seen in the earth and get kids excited about Jesus and living for Christ. Each service LCF has is supported by LCF members committed to serving the next generation from 6 weeks to High School.

We encourage every member of Lighthouse to get to know their church family by volunteering to work together in the ministry of helps. All Helps Ministry Workers must be active members of the church for three months before being eligible to participate in a helps ministry, having received Jesus as Lord and Savior, baptized with the Holy Spirit, and baptized in water.